This is where I begin to attempt to tell you all about my trip to California. I've been trying to figure out how I can write about this trip without being that person who invites friends over for dinner and then locks them in the den, shuts off the lights, and forces them to sit through the slideshow of their trip to the Grand Canyon, but I don't know how to manage that. And yet? I have to write something. My mom wanted to know why I needed to write something, she suggested I stick to The Now, but, um, what about Project 365+? I'd love to stick to The Now, really I would, but I took nearly 300 photos for Project 365+, and I've got to do something with them. Bare (bear) with me. I will try not to make you so bored that you want to shove hot forks of displeasure into your eyes.
A family reunion of sorts, Mike and I spent our first two days home with his brother, sister-in-law and their children. We made sure to soak up as much culture and art as possible, spending hours at museums, galleries and concerts.
And here I am, holding on to him for dear life, thinking of ways I can trick him into stuffing me into his backpack so I can come along for the hike.
Also a lie. I was invited on this trip, he actually at one point kind of begged me to go (I may be exaggerating), and I was all, "Are there showers? Malls? Restaurants? I'M NOT GOING."
Ah yes, your mother's daughter. :}
Wait... I was expecting a long, detailed blog post and that's it?!
What a rip! :)
Rite moar!
Did he shave the beard before the hike?
I did totally beg for her to come - even for a couple of days. Next time she will!
I totally still have the beard. It's scary long and wild - shot through with silver, but burly.
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