Thursday, July 02, 2009

The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.:

Me: Good afternoon, Blapity-Bloop, how can I help you?
Caller: I'm very upset because I was expecting a call from Marjorie this week and it's already Wednesday and she hasn't called me yet.
Me: Marjorie is in a session with a patient. I would be happy to take a message for you.
Caller: I don't want to leave a message. She said she would call me on Monday and now it's Wednesday.
Me: You sound very frustrated. What can I do to help?
Me: I wish I knew. May I take a message for you?
Caller: No. I just think it's very unprofessional that she didn't call me back.
Me: I'm sorry you feel that way. What can I do?
Caller: Nothing. I mean, what kind of professional doesn't return calls?
Me: Would you like me to leave a message?
Caller: No. Don't you think she should have called me?
Me: I'm sure that she has the best intentions. What can I do to assist you?
Me: ...
Caller: .... Hello?
Me: So shall I tell her you called?

This, dear readers, is why I keep worms for friends, instead of people. Behold the worms!!

The newest addition to our little family, these are the worms as seen from the outside of their worm condo. The worm condo is constructed from a fine plastic storage box with plenty of air holes. These little guys, there are about one thousand of them, will eat all our kitchen scraps and then we will use their poop as fertilizer on all our plants.

Mmmm. Cozy worm bedding.

Mmmm. Kitchen scraps = worm food

I'm finally composting. I have wanted to compost for at least a year now, and when I discovered vermicomposting I nearly passed out I was so excited. When I picked these beauties up last Wednesday, (thank you Lower East Side Ecology Center!) I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Aren't they beautiful?

There are two worms here. An adult and a juvenile.
They breed like rabbits worms.

I always dreamed of getting closer to the earth and living a greener life, even before it became fashionable. It turns out all I had to do was move to a place entirely made up of concrete and glass and voila! I'm just a big ol' hippie now.

P.S. Anyone who's interested in creating ecosystems (I'm talking to you, Vamp) should seriously check it out. It's amazing.


SchizotypalVamp said...

I am totally, totally into this. Also, you should start submitting quotes to, one of the funniest sites I've come across in a while.

Kim said...

Wow. Good for you! I don't know if I can make the jump to worms yet...but I'm certainly impressed!

Kate said...

I really really love being green and stuff, and earth friendly... but I think I would only do the worms thing if I didn't have to pick them up. I KNOW, it's lame, but as much good as they do I still can't bring myself to, you know, touch 'em.

SchizotypalVamp said...

LOL, Four hours since your post and I have a small one set up. Mine only has twelve worms, but I will feed them and things will grow. I'm not really a big eater and have actually cut back on non-frozen food due to the amount I waste, so a small colony bred from these guys should suffice!

A Serious Girl said...

Whoo Hoo Vamp! I knew you'd love it. I'm curious to hear all about how your 12 worms do - I'm betting you'll have a lot more than 12 in no time at all. :)

And Kim and Kate, you know, I'll tell you a secret. I'm slightly afraid of them. It scares me a little bit to touch them, which is why I force myself to do it. And I don't have to. I could vermicompost and never touch them, except during harvest time... - Ok, so never mind. You do have to touch them. But still. Totally worth it, for reals.

'Cita said...

They're so......wormy.