Saturday, July 04, 2009

June 29, 2009

The demons were out in full force today. Four days into the project and I'm trying to quit it.

"I'm just so busy."
"It's a dumb idea anyway."
"It's not even really creative."
"I'm not even really an artist."

I made it all the way to 4:30 p.m. without taking a single photo. I was in Union Square when I realized this, and I realized it because I was in Union Square, a place I walk through several times a week, a place that I always want to photograph because it is so lively and exciting and beautiful. Because it has it's own heartbeat. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, the moment it occurred to me that I should pull out my camera and start snapping, the demons started screaming.


I did not reach for my camera. God forbid someone think I'm a tourist.

I ended up snapping a few photos over my shoulder, and spending the rest of the evening feeling like a big jerk. When I got home from work, I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. taking pictures of my cats. I'm kind of a wuss sometimes, those times when I let the demons win.

Today I'm going to do it. I'm going to leave for work early, so I have plenty of time, and I'm going to take photos of Union Square.

In the meantime, you get a photo of Amelia. She's softer in person.


Tara said...

Keep snappin,' and Damn the Devil-talk.

SchizotypalVamp said...

In my experience whenever I try to force photographs they come out crappier. It's usually when I have a camera and something inspires me that I take good pictures.

And hey, if you don't feel inspired that day in that way, there are plenty of things in/around your apartment you can tell us stories of!

You are totally a creative person.

People in the Sun said...

What next? The Statue of Liberty?

(I'm sorry. I was just trying to get into the mindset of the demons. Times Square is an interesting place, after all. You can tell the demons that you're taking photos of the tourists. Demons don't react well to post-modernism).

A Serious Girl said...

I really love you guys. Your comments totally made my day. And Mr. Baltimore there made me laugh out loud, which is something considering I rarely ever laugh out loud.

Dori Jennings said...

I am exactly the same way, Frosty. For real. Even when I AM a tourist it is hard for me, but I ask myself what will be most important in the end and the picture wins :)