Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Final. For Reals.

Seriously? Thank you for taking the time to watch my reel, for commenting, and for providing your honest suggestions and insight! I have tweaked it according to some really great suggestions, though I chose to keep it under a minute so that I can afford to post it on Actors Access. My agent loved it, too, which made me absolutely beam with pride. So here it is, in all it's completed glory.

p.s. If you feel like hitting it up again on YouTube, to rate and comment, that would be super awesome. And you'll win a prize*.

*I'm lying about the prize.


People in the Sun said...

Cool! Looks great. And I even rated it!

SchizotypalVamp said...

Would you like us people to help you promote the video?

Hawk said...

No prize? :(