Monday, June 29, 2009

Bits and Pieces

My parents have been in town for the last two weekends (they spent the week in the Adirondacks) and when they left this morning to go back to Los Angeles I think they took my innards with them.

I can't relate at all to people who don't completely adore their parents. I am so crazy about my parents that I invited them to join me and my husband for half of our honeymoon. My husband will be the first to tell you that the week my parents spent with us was infinitely more fun than the week we spent alone.

Every time I start to think that New York feels familiar and home-like I am reminded that Los Angeles will always be where my heart is. El Lay might be full of vapid blondes with fake boobs, and maybe every single solitary person you know including your doctor, your mechanic, your lawyer and your therapist are actors too, and even though it is smoggy and expensive and as I've been told it "has no soul", it is where my family is. Where my roots are. You can take the girl out of The Valley but you'll never take The Valley out of this girl.

So while I am scraping the remains of my heart off the floor, the pieces that fell out of my mother's suitcase when she snapped it shut, and the bits that slipped from my father's pockets when he hugged me good bye, I'll entertain you with some photographic highlights of their two weekends here. The pictures don't even come close to capturing how wonderful those six days were, but they try.

The parents and a nice Jewish girl at
Sammy's Roumanian Steak House on the Lower East Side.

I know this photo is blurry, but it perfectly
demonstrates the vibe at this fabulous restaurant.

At HighBridge Park, my favorite spot in Sugar Hill.

Mike gives Mama a Tarot reading

How do you spend a perfect Sunday in NYC?
At the NYC Gay Pride Parade.

My beautiful Mama and my gorgeous Papa,
dancing at Gay Pride.

And this? This last photo here? This was my father's idea.

And even though I felt really embarrassed, because omg how embarrassing is it when your dad wants to take a picture of you in front of a landmark on the street as if you're a tourist when you totally aren't, I let Papa take a photo of me in front of The Actors Studio. Then I told him:

"When I'm a member, I'll let you take my photo inside, ok? And I'll give you a tour and everything."

And then he grinned, which made feeling embarrassed for thirty seconds totally worth it.


People in the Sun said...

But you have to understand that not all parents are fun, and not all parents are cool about the gay parade, and not all parents know or care about their children's dreams. When it comes to my parents, I think I've reached the point where I can safely say, "It's not me, it's them."

A Serious Girl said...

I shouldn't have said that "I can't relate" to people with families different than mine. What I really meant was that it is hard for me to imagine anything else. But it's hard for everyone to imagine something different from what they grew up with, I guess. I think I sounded very insensitive - I didn't mean to be insensitive. I hope I wasn't.

People in the Sun said...

NO no. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for you.

Dori Jennings said...

I love them, too!

You know what else is in LA? Your best fried. Who misses you every. single. freaking. day. For real. Like today for instance? Missing you.

Hawk said...

Sometimes I wish I had more than 30 feet between me and my mom. Visits would be more of a pleasure and less of a "Dinner's ready!" (from either of us, I do cook). I do miss my dad, the guy before teh stroke, terribly.