Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What IS the goal?

Me: If I put this pear in your lunch, will you eat it?

Him: It'll squish my sandwich.

Me: Your sandwich is going to get squished anyway.

Him: You're right. I need a sandwich-shaped box.

Me: You don't need a sandwich-shaped box.

Him: They make them.

Me: You don't need a sandwich-shaped box.

Him: YES I DO.

Me: I had a paper-bag lunch every day for thirteen years, my sandwiches were always squished, I survived.

Him: Is survival really the goal here?


-J. said...

I used to have the same problems with my banana until I discovered BananaGuard. Now my banana is always firm.


Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear about the general health and well-being of
-J.'s banana.

John L Taylor said...

I get embarrassed about my squished sandwiches so I eat them at home.

George said...


Hawk said...

I saw a pop-tart case in the store the other day and spent more than a minute trying to figure who could need or want such a thing... Now, I know :)