Friday, May 16, 2008

One Of Those Days

Do you ever have one of those days when you just can't stand anybody? When every single person who talks to you sounds obnoxious and needy and stupid? When every time another person opens their fat mouth it takes the strength of every muscle in your body to stop your eyes from rolling back into your head? And then once the person finally walks away it takes twelve times more strength than that not to bash your head into your computer screen? When every time the phone rings you want to stick a fork in your eye because that would be better than having to answer the gawddamn phone?

I'm having one of those days.


People in the Sun said...

I try to refrain, I really do. And most of the time I succeed, because I'm too cool and because it just doesn't come naturally to me.

But sometimes, when it's just me and him in the house, and he's being really cute, I admit I do the baby-talk.

But then he punches me in the face.

A Serious Girl said...

See??? Even babies can't stand it!! ;-)