Wednesday, December 30, 2009


These are just a few of the treasures I discovered when I cleaned out Theo's wormy crate today. The items I chose not to photograph included a gazillion dried out worms and several pairs of dirty panties Theo has apparently stolen from my laundry hamper. I'm thinking of writing in to the A&E Show, Hoarders. I'm worried he needs professional help I can't provide. Maybe he needs a support group or a professional organizer. Maybe he needs a therapist to help him uncover his feelings.

Have you seen Hoarders, by the way? It's amazing. I cannot watch it without immediately cleaning out and scrubbing my fridge. I now have a ridiculously clean fridge.


Kim said...

Hoarders is terrifying to me! I go between staring at the TV and having to turn away or change the channel. It's like a car crash. But with lots of rotting food and junk.

It definitely inspires me to get rid of stuff though...or at least to want to.

Michael said...

I know exactly what I want to get rid of. I just can't find it because it's buried underneath all the stuff I can't part with.

Not Convinced said...

A gazillion of what kind of "dried out worms?" Tape worms? Vermicultire worms? Specificity, please.

A Serious Girl said...

Tape worms. Didn't I mention that those little scabs I thought I was feeling were actually dried up worm segments?

Hawk said...

I've had friends who had family members who had hoarding problems. One easily matched anything shown on the TV series. It makes me sad to watch it to know what these people were going through.

A Serious Girl said...

It terrifies me to watch it because I know how easy it must be to go from "collecting" to "hoarding". I have a really hard time throwing out things that have a memory attached and I often "save" things that I think I might use at a later date. It frightens me because I see a part of myself.

The Jones Family said...

I have never seen the show, but I'm afraid I may be featured on it soon! No, maybe I'm not that bad, but I have such a hard time throwing things away. I just sit there staring at the bag with the things " I don't need" and begin to think of all the different ridiculous senarios in which I would need those things and then think "Man! If only I had not thrown that away!" My husband at the point typically pulls the trigger. I don't know what I'm going to do with the stuff our 8 month old son is growing out of! I can't even think about parting with any of it!