Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This is the last one. I swear. No really.

You know what my new favorite sound is? The sound of my dresser drawers opening. It is like the sound of angels singing, I'm not kidding. You know what else? I have a sweater drawer! A SWEATER DRAWER. And Mike and I each have our very own sock drawer and our very own underpants drawer. Our own! One for each! No more mixing of socks and bras and panties and undershorts! It is so luxurious and wonderful and completely makes up for the paint peeling off the bathroom tiles.

I know, I know, it must be really hard to relate to somebody who shudders with pleasure when she thinks of her dresser drawers, but bear with me. Bare with me? I think it's "bear with me". Who knows. Whatevs. The point is, we are down to seven boxes in the living room and three boxes in the bathroom and then all we'll have left to do is hang our photos and art work on the walls. Of course, there will always be a little project here or there that we want to work on, like the bathroom tiles or the beading around the perimeter of the rooms, or staining the french doors or buying more furniture (it is kind of pathetic how empty the place will be when all the boxes are gone because we have no furniture), but other than that, we'll be done. Done! And then I'll take photos, post them and life will return to normal. A prettier, cozier, sunnier, more spacious normal. And then, eventually, the infatuation will wear off and I will shut the F up about my fabulous apartment and resume regular posting about dog poop and crazy people. I just have to get my head screwed on straight.

I miss you all.
Thanks for sticking around.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I, too, love drawers. As in furniture drawers, not underpants. ALthough underpants have their role, particularly in Utah.