Thursday, July 26, 2007

I can't help it.

I just have to take a moment and talk about this thing going on with Lindsey Lohan. I know, I know, I spend too much time reading The Superficial and Perez Hilton. It's a weakness, for sure. That being said...

That poor girl. She's a child, really. She's a child who's family seems to be out for her paycheck, instead of her well being. Her parents seem so eager to be in the spot light that they don't care at all that she is safe or happy or taken care of. Of course, I don't know them. But it's a little fishy that they spend so much time talking to the media about their daughter's private affairs. It just seems a little odd. Shouldn't they be protecting her from the media rather than feeding the media more fodder? I feel terrible for her. I've always liked her. I think she's incredibly talented, despite some bad job choices. I think it's a tragedy, the kind of trouble she's getting into. And I really feel like her parents should be held responsible. I understand that she's over 18 and therefore a legal adult. But still.

That being said.... "it wasn't my cocaine, I was holding it for a friend..." SERIOUSLY? COME ON. Seriously. I mean, seriously. Please don't tell me that that is going to fly in a court of law. Now her mother, the infamous Dina Lohan, is saying that it wasn't just the cocaine that belonged to one of her daughter's friends, it was the pants! Lindsey wasn't even wearing her own pants! She didn't even know there was coke in the pocket! Come on, people. That's like, I mean, it sounds like they're in grade school! "It wasn't my dirty magazine, Principal Skinner! It was Bart's!" Are they for real? And besides, why is she still hanging out with people who are using if she's sober? Isn't that one of the first rules of sobriety? You aren't supposed to be around the substance you're addicted to? Or something?

I am very curious as to what would happen if I were pulled over at 2 a.m., driving (sorry, not driving, speeding - no, wait, chasing another vehicle) on a suspended license, over the legal blood alcohol level, with cocaine in my pocket. I wonder. I'm willing to bet a lot of money that I wouldn't be in spending the next day in Malibu.


Dori Jennings said...

I know. I tend to feel really bad for her because she is SO young, and I think people forget that. Also, her home life is such a freaking mess.

But...yeah..."the coke isn't mine"? Come on now.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I dont feel sorry for her at all. I think she isnt particularly talented but do u no wut i read? That in the movie, Mean Girls, Lindsy Lohan plays a really smart girl, and Rachel McAdams plays the mean popular girl. The director said, its a really dumb girl playing a really smart one, and a really nice girl playing a really mean one.