Friday, November 27, 2009

By now you think I'm lying

Taxidermy? What? (It's coming, I swear.)

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had an absolutely lovely Thanksgiving. It was nearly ruined by a carton of half-and-half, but luckily for me Archie is a quick thinker.

As long as you came here looking for the second half of The Nastiest Post Ever and didn't find it, would you do me an enormous favor? Mike is working on a paper about the Healthcare Reform for his Critical Thinking class and he has to have as many people as possible take a survey. It's short and sweet and takes less than five minutes. Also? You'll win a free ice cream cone, which you will receive upon your next visit to New York City.


Dori Jennings said...

K I took it but I prefer Dunkin Donuts coffee to ice cream ;)

Miss you guys and wish we could have had Thanksgiving all together!!!!

Hawk said...

Tooken da survey... now not only am I desirous of knowing about the taxidermy thing I'm intrigued by the half-and-half that almost ruined turkey day....

'Cita said...

Anything for yoooooou.