Saturday, September 22, 2007

Grow Yourself A Penis

I'm serious. Check it out. Mr. Bobbit would've LOVED this... though I hear he's doing all right now.

And I'm sorry.... but I couldn't help it. That article put me in a situation wherein there was nothing I could do except google "rabbit penis". And this is what I found:

I know. I have a problem. It's called 'Curiosity'.


Toots said...

But....why...would ANYONE compulsively google 'rabbit penis?' - and I'm hop-hop-hoppy you're back to normal (?) again.

A Serious Girl said...

It wasn't compulsive. It was well thought out. Geez.

Anonymous said...

I did also, oh and congrats you're the # 1 hit on google for 'rabbit penis' as of this moment--in image searches