Sunday, August 10, 2008

Practicing their Kill Technique

And also, another example of why we call the blonde one "The Hellhound".

P.S. They did this for an hour and a half today, ALL OVER Central Park. But mostly wherever there were large expanses of dirt. They also did this all over Central Park yesterday morning and Friday morning. Is it any wonder then, why they are both passed out on the living room floor right now? Or why, when I jangle their leashes for a mid-afternoon pee walk they both look up at me as if saying, "God Woman! Haven't you had enough for one day?"

P.P.S. This video, as well as yesterday's, were shot on my PHONE. I can't believe it, can you?


Anonymous said...

My Grandgoggers are better than anyone else's grandoggers!!!!!!!!!!!

A Serious Girl said...

Aw, Thanks, Mama!!! I love them. They are the best.

Hawk said...

Is two weeks, where oh where has our Frosty gone? :(