Saturday, July 26, 2008

Poll Results - Which Would You Rather Have

So, WTF guys? Only 11 votes this week, after last weeks 22 votes. And it was interesting, the results. 18% would prefer cockroaches over bedbugs, lice or fleas. 18% would prefer to have headlice and 63% would prefer fleas. Not a single person voted for bedbugs. Not that I blame them. I voted for fleas. Totally. I heart fleas.


People in the Sun said...

I think I went for the lice. I can deal with scratching my head, but not with bedbugs crawling into my butt.

Chopin, you are safe from elimination.

Anonymous said... they DO that?

A Serious Girl said...

Um, I don't know, but I was always afraid they would. I mean, really, what's stopping them?