Saturday, July 25, 2009

My wiener won't let me get any work done.

Spent today in a flurry of WORK WORK WORK. When I took this photo, it was the first time I'd laughed all day. Sometimes I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my little shit-eating mutts.

Have you ever wondered why you see a lot more photos of Valentine than you do of Theo? It's because, while Valentine is perched somewhere waiting for her next photo op, Theo is trying to climb up my legs. Theo is nearly always at my feet. Either sitting on my feet or walking in a figure-eight around my feet or trying to climb up my legs. Which means he gets kicked in the gut a lot because I'm always moving. Theo makes it extra-specially nice to work from home, though. Every woman should have a warm wiener in her lap while she works.

Wait. What?



Hawk said...

"Happiness is a warm weiner..."

Scrumpi-D said...

um, like John/Paul said better than... "a warm gun!" ;0
oh, my!