Monday, June 15, 2009

He's definitely sitting closer to God than I am

I like to think of myself as The Clean One in my marriage. I believe I am the one who is tidy and neat and organized. Mike, of course, is The Messy One. I like to think I am always running around picking up after him, wiping up his spills, picking his socks up off the floor, cleaning up his little messes. I like being the Felix to his Oscar. Gives me a reason to feel self-righteous and honestly, who doesn't like feeling self-righteous?

The other night I was putting away freshly folded laundry and I was just having the darnedest time putting my shirts in my shirt drawer. "I should really re-organize my drawers," I thought to myself. "There's just so much stuff in here, there's no room for the clean stuff!"And then I opened Mike's shirt drawer to put away his shirts.


My drawer is the one on the left. The one where nothing is folded and everything is just shoved in haphazardly. My drawer is the one where if you want to find something, you just pull everything out and then stuff it back in when you're done. Michael's? His is the one on the right where everything is folded perfectly, so clothes are easy to find and everything fits. Like a jigsaw puzzle.

And once again I was forced to acknowledge that, though in my fantasies I am the self-righteous clean one, the reality is that Michael is totally the Felix to my Oscar. And the worst part? HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO GLOAT OVER IT.

1 comment:

'Cita said...

Michael might consider starting an Academy for Husbands - many women would be grateful.