Friday, June 12, 2009

Can I get a HELLS YEAH from my sisters?

Him: I need new jeans. These are getting really tight around the thighs.
Me: .... Um ..... how did that happen?
Him: It's all the running we've been doing.
Me: So ... it's a good thing?
Him: It's a great thing!
Me: Oh. Ok. See, if my thighs are getting too big for my pants, it's a very bad thing. A very, very bad thing.
Him: No way. Not if it's muscle. Then it's awesome.
Me: No, it's not.
Him: Yes it is.
Me: It might be good when your thighs get bigger, but trust me, it is never good when my thighs get bigger.


SchizotypalVamp said...

I've actually had this happen with my thighs, and when they're muscles they can actually look better. So don't worry if this happens to you!

Besides, you're a gorgeous, skinny woman-I doubt that a few pounds really makes a difference on you, and gaining muscle also creates a weight gain.

'Cita said...

I agree w/ the S Vamp....