Monday, September 28, 2009

Husk cherries.

They make me believe in a higher power.


Hawk said...

Or at least life on other planets... are those things edible? A decoration? That's the weirdest things I've seen since someone gave me a star fruit...

'Cita said...

Very pretty....r they nommers?

SchizotypalVamp said...


A Serious Girl said...

I think they are related to the tomatillo. They came with our vegetable share, not our fruit share, and they taste faintly of tomato. Only they are very sweet, like a strawberry. And they are tender and juicy like a berry, but with this wonderful crispy center I can only compare to the center of a Kit Kat bar. And they are each wrapped in a thin papery husk that you have to peel open before you can get to the fruit inside. It's as if the plant grew a flower, the flower blossomed and then closed it's petals and sealed them shut, then grew a berry inside as the petals dried up. It sounds really weird, but THEY ARE SO DELICIOUS. I nearly cried when I ate the last one.

We ate them plain and we also threw them in a salad. We had two cups full and they were spectacular.