I'm serious. Check it out. Mr. Bobbit would've LOVED this... though I hear he's doing all right now.
And I'm sorry.... but I couldn't help it. That article put me in a situation wherein there was nothing I could do except google "rabbit penis". And this is what I found:
I know. I have a problem. It's called 'Curiosity'.
This is a personal online journal. It's safe to bet that everything I've written here has been embellished until it's nothing more than a rambling of my bizarre imagination. Especially if it sounds like it's about my job, then you can be absolutely sure it is a work of fiction. Either which way, opinions expressed by me on this site are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and positions of my employer.
Feel free to send me love notes at patriciafrostnyc (at) gmail (dot) com.
I'm married to a handsome brainiac who finds most of what I write online to be mildly embarrassing. We have two dogs, two cats, and a python named after the devil. We spend most of our spare time vacuuming. I write at http://www.aseriousgirl.com/
But....why...would ANYONE compulsively google 'rabbit penis?' - and I'm hop-hop-hoppy you're back to normal (?) again.
It wasn't compulsive. It was well thought out. Geez.
I did also, oh and congrats you're the # 1 hit on google for 'rabbit penis' as of this moment--in image searches
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